The Lightning Thief ( Percy Jackson and The Olympians #1 )


Title : The Lightning Thief
Series : Percy Jackson and The Olympians #1
1st publish : April 2005
Rating : 4.5/5

The Lightning Thief is the first book in the series Percy Jackson and The Olympians. The series consist of 5 books. The main character is Percy Jackson who is 12 years old and diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. He is a son of Poseidon, The Sea of God. He has ability and get stronger when near to the water.

I like the way Rick Riordan's writing style because it makes me enjoy and excited when reading this books. The plot of this book is very exciting since it about the adventure of Percy Jackson and his friends to complete the quest that had been given to them.

Truthfully, I already watched the movie before I read this books.So, its easy for me to imagine what happen when I'm reading it. But I was upset because the movie is very different from what I have read. They change the details.For example,Percy get the Poseidon Pearls from Naiad.But in the movie, Percy have to find the pearls in each place in the quest. In the movie,they didn't scene where Grover talk to animals. It's quite interesting if they put the scene where a poodle help them in their quest.

I prefer to read this book rather than watch the movie because they put out many exciting scene in that movie.

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